Thursday, October 30, 2008

And the winner is!!!.....?


My baby brother and myself.
We never smile in photos
We make faces.
Why you might ask?
Because we are two huge

I love him

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

HEY! See!!!!

Took Bananas out today, I have dubbed her my "Little sister I never had" We all get one right? Well I do, actually I have three, soon to be four (PRAY) hopefully. OH, and I also have four other younger brothers as well, yeah, I dubbed them ALL family. Momma G, Dr. G, and my siblings.

So, Bananas and I are sitting at dinner and she says "So, mom keeps asking me if you are going to quit" WHAATT!!!!????

"Momma G" this post is dedicated to the people who mean the MOST to me, who have a SPECIAL spot in my heart. Who have WON me over, and I DO NOT PLAN ON GOING ANYWHERE ANYTIME SOON!!! Because GOD put ALL OF YOU in MY life for a reason, and WITHOUT YOU I dont know WHERE I would be!

Here goes......

Getting to have a girls day out and see
High School Musical 3!

Random pictures that someone doesnt want to take
because he cant STAND his sister to take LOTS
of pictures.

Getting to jump on the trampoline ALL THE TIME!
My favorite part

Diner time, equals messes GALORE! but worth
the giggles in the end.

Making faces for the camera with Bananas!

Wrestling matches where they end up winning

And not because I let them

Ever so famous "Sarah P. he hit me"

The times when they think they can scare me
by showing me their guns....

Lots and LOTS of tickling and laughing

Pillow fights (I lost this one)

Long weekends where its just me
and the youngest ones
(these are my favorite times)

Photo booth with the one who finds
it the most fascinating thing ever!
And the giggles

Salon time with Miss M.
I really like this time, just doesn't look like it here

The moments that you wont forget

But in the end, everyone knows its not easy.


I wake up looking forward to the day, because I KNOW I get to spend time with these people! The hugs! the kisses, the giggles, and crying, the screaming, the outings, the shopping, the cooking, the cleaning, the diaper changing, the screaming, the SMILES, the screaming, the running into your arms and laughing, the screaming.

ITS WORTH IT EVERYDAY!! If I had it my way, I would be there 24/7. But then YOU would get sick of ME.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Dating Game (Strike Two)

Im sitting in my den last night, all alone watching TV and working on images (and happy). Nothing really good on, so Im not really paying attention, although I do love Law and Order SVU, so I did watch that. But as I am doing mindless entertainment and playing around on the internet (Im addicted to facebook, Im not gonna lie) I start to notice that EVERY commercial is about dating, and finding that "perfect someone" right now!

HOLD UP! STOP!,,,,, And then there are the religious ones as well. 

Ok, So then, I am on facebook, yeah, ok, it says Im single, big WOOT! But since it says that I now have all these adds on the side of my page saying "Single? looking for that perfect someone?" 

WHEN DID WE ALL BECOME SO DESPERATE!!!!???!!!!!!!?????????????

What does it all come down too? GOD! enough said. 

I feel like everyone is in a rush, that in this day and age its a race to see who can find someone they can tolerate for awhile and marry them FAST! Then if it doesnt work out, well, then, DIVORCE! BAM! Give it up, take away the ring, tare up the marriage listens and burn the wedding album. We did not just say we would stick together "through good times and BAD, in SICKNESS and in HEALTH, until DEATH do us PART" Forget that whole line, find the next best thing and move on. 4 spouses later, and a ton of kids and MAYBE you will have found that "perfect someone"


I know its tough to not have someone to date/think about marrying. My best friend is married, try that one on for size. Its me, her, and her husband when we are together, and one day soon, little ones pitter pattering around us. Most of the people I grew up with are getting married. I have hit that age where its "custom"? to marry. Its not a game.

I have more to say, but I just wanted to start with this. I guess all those dating commercials and adds have gotten to me. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Who knew!??

So, my father, a very quiet, soft spoken man. He never has much to say, and when it comes to sitting around the dinner table, never really says anything, he just takes it all in, what we have to say. I think some of it is that mom and I are very loud, hyper, talk fast, out spoken people, and we over power the table. Nothing to major. So we are sitting there we have Nathan a really good friend and Daniel and me eating dinner at Cheddars, and we are talking about the Debate and who all has come into town, and mom and I were so very excited about Tom Brokaw being in OUR city, and how we wish we could meet him. And what does my dad say....Well he starts into more or less a story, kinda. Anyways, it goes like this. "I remember....(this is how they start, if he ever tells a story)......I remember, one time when I was working in the White house, Diane always being such a WORK A HOLIC!" we grunted. "Well, one night she took us to dinner, a bunch of us, and she could use her work credit card for our dinners, so she orders like $200 bottles of wine for everyone, these bottles would be like $500 now. Well everyone knew how to eat drink and be merry" 

We are all taking in this story wondering who he is talking about.....Diane!? Who is Diane!? THE DIANE SAWYER!!!!! All of our mouths dropped. My dad worked in the white house when Diane Sawyer and Tom Brokaw were working in the press in the White House. Meaning my dad has hung out with these people! I was so jealous! 

Anyways, I thought it was a neat story, and I would share. I wish he would tell more of his stories. He doesnt ever say much, but when he does is rather neat! And awesome!!!