Friday, June 26, 2009

Away, away we go, time away from home.

Well, I did it, almost. I chose to spend my time while the G's were on vacation away from home for two weeks. No parents, no friends that I have known and counted on most of my life, just me, new kids, and new friends, that I love dearly and have gotten the chance to know even better. So this was my two weeks, to see what it would be like to live away from my comfort zone, my support group, my everything.

I have been a busy bee. Seeing knew things, trying knew things, going knew places, and SITTING in traffic that you think you will NEVER see home again because you have not moved an inch for over an hour. (Where do these people come from?) Traffic here is its own post. :-) I have spent tons of time with Alison W. Whom I have grown so very fond of. She is an awesome person all around. and SMART! Im excited she will be coming to visit in July!

I love Atlanta, I would move here and live and work. Would I do it at this point in my life, I would LOVE to, but I, by all means, am not ready for that leap of faith. Since probably day 4 I have had one image in my head, and that image just plays over and over again. Work! (At home) I ave enjoyed watching Kass's kids, they are sweet kids, and we have had a blast roaming around Atlanta, but I miss my kids back home. I realized today, that I just don't work for the G's, I made them part of my family. When you have known people for what? four years? I believe, you pretty much are family. I know their every move, and MOOD. I know how to comfort, and scold, I know how to play and yell, and play some more. And those hugs I get when I walk in that front door, BOY do I MISS those!!!!

I keep thinking to myself, "Sarah, there is going to come a day, when you are not needed anymore" But that's not anytime soon (I HOPE) After two weeks, I realize I know where I am suppose to be, and what I am suppose to be doing (somewhat, not fully) right now. And that's being at home, and with my family and with the G's. I still look forward to my weekends spent here in Atlanta, but Home is where my heart is still. I will have the whole month of July in Nashville, no Atlanta that month. I have decided with the time at the G's I will spend, and needing family time, that a month off will be good. I have spent just about every weekend down here for over two months. Its time to go home!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A friend posted this as his status. This is Obama's favorite Past President.....Perhaps he should do some research on what they had to say........

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves." Abraham Lincoln