Thursday, December 25, 2008


Midnight Mass! Nothing could make a holiday better then going to Midnight Mass on Christmas Day! And at the Cathedral! Thats home to me and my family, always has been, always will be. So, for the first time in many, many years we went to midnight mass at the Cathedral. When we were wee wee kids we went to the children's mass that Father Flemming did. He always had gifts for us! So now we are starting a new tradition, Midnight mass at the Cathedral, and until we have our own children, I do not believe we will go at any other time. 

The music was like being in heaven! It was beautiful, I felt like the Angels were singing to us. There were people everywhere! Standing room only. I saw friends of mine from my childhood that I had not seen in years which made it even more special of a night. I went to take some advil because my sinuses were acting up and saw so many people I knew. Then the icing on the cake was seeing Bishop Choby come down the isle along with the in-cents, candles, deacons, the priest, seminarians, and alter servers as we sang. It 
was an amazing evening filled with such Joy, and Holiness. Midnight Mass made me feel new and refreshed. No need for presents, life was complete now.

This is why I am Catholic, because of nights like last
 night, days like today, It truly is an amazing place to be.

Christmas this year was simple, still tons of gifts, but not the load that we had as kids. It was a wonderful morning with my family, and a wonder
ful breakfast. And now as we all lay around happy and fat, I thought I would wish you all a Very Merry Christmas! I think I shall go hunting in the fr
idge for snacks and help mom prepare the feast we will have tonight!
Love to you all!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tis the season...

So, its winter break....."WINTER BREAK"?? Its been GRAY, over cast, misty/raining, cold/warmish?, funky, nasty, gross, damp, outside for the last week. And its going to be that way for the next week. I said last night "I think I rather live in Alaska, if its going to be like this all the time. At least there it snows and you can see Russia" This weather has me down in the dumps. All I want to do is sleep and be depressed. I find when its nasty out like this I think to much about things, being, money, the future, school, parents health, siblings, economy, gas prices, the list goes on and on. I need the sun to come out already! I need to perk up! ASAP. 

This was the first semester my smart brother was afraid he was going to fail a class. He had a professor who was female, and knew everything. No one could be smarter then her. And she made sure to belittle you in the class. If you argued the topic, kiss your grades goodbye. Everyone in the class was failing. He stressed over this class for the past few months. It came down to hindering his amazing GPA and graduating with honors, and being on probation with the Fraternity. MY BROTHER!? HA! right, he does not fail. Well he got his grades back and he ended up with a C+ in the class. Again, he doesn't get anything below an high B or A. So this was tough for him, but HE PASSED!!! his high spirits are back, and he is himself again. Its been nice to have my sweet, loving, caring, little brother back again. Daniel and I have been spending a lot of time together and its been amazing. 

Christmas is in a few days, my friends have gone home (which is depressing) and my friends I grew up with are on their way back here. Im ready for lots of visiting and catching up with everyone. I know it will be a short Christmas this year, but it will be a sweet one. A dear friend of mine and  Daniel's got married last weekend. It was a very nice wedding. The week has been busy! I have gotten some shopping done, and what shopping I have done has drained my bank account. Tis the season to spend money. Boo!!! I think I like going out every now and then and buying something here and there instead of one mega-thon of spending.

Monday, December 15, 2008



Shopping needs to be done next. I have one week. So not gonna get done. An IOU to everyone!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Where I come from....

Alison, Matt, Catherine, Alicia, and Daniel

Me, Catherine, Carol, Erica.

Just thought I would put up a few pictures of the family. When I get this years I will show off more of my family. this is just a few of us. VERY few of us. out of tons.

Grandma's kids and their spouses:
Michael, Patricia, Susan, Steven, Jan, Rita.
Kate, Daniel, Rick, Michelle, Bradey, Bobby
Kate, Peterson, Amy, Leslie, Sarah, Daniel.
William, Patrick, Alison.
Randy, Bryan, Catherine, Michael.
Alicia, Erica, Andrea.
Carol, John, Mary.
William, Samuel.
Great Grandkids:
Grace, Joseph, Samuel, Ethan, Jackson, Jayden, Mallory, Mary Mea, and one on the way.

This is who all I spend my holiday's with. I thought it would be cool to name them. Now granted some of them live in other places and countries. But pretty much we are always there!


Friday, November 28, 2008


How could I forget this dear, sweet, crazy family!


I am so very thankful to have you all in my life!

Much love always!

Better Late, then Never.....

The feast is over:( So sad. It was a very nice day indeed though. I slept till noon (Not good) Then was up running around like a chicken with its head cut off. First things first, I had to bake the mississippi mud pie. So I started the cake, and while it was baking my MOTHER sent ME to PUBLIX! Chris, I thought of you at this time, when I was handed the card and sent on to the store. I looked around to see if I was in the right house. And I was. Well guess what, publix is closed on thanksgiving, so Wal-Mart it was. Got what we needed and headed back. I finished baking my pie (Its really a cake) and got ready to go.

Grandma's house was full of people, and BABIES!!!!! Everyone who is married has either had their first or is on to the next member of their clan. Big bellies and little angeles around every corner of the house. It was nice. There was so much food, I over ate, but worth it. Then when it came time for desert I was cutting up the mississippi stuff and I turned around and I had formed a line. The stuff was GONE in the first two seconds of there being a desert call. I told Aunt Jan that I guess this is what I am bringing from now on. 

My cousin Andrea who I guess I would be the closes too in many ways along with age came home with us, then we met up with her sister and went shopping at Midnight. So much fun. We pretty much went into every baby store and bought them out. I was getting rather bored because I dont have any babies to shop for where Andrea and Erica have a new baby niece and we dont shop for our cousins kids, just the aunts and grandparents. There are to many of us for that. So by baby store number three I was shopping.....SUCH A BAD IDEA! I could have done some damage. But I have two cute tops for some little guys I know that will like them....I hope :-D

So I guess I will put a few things I am thankful for. The christmas lights are going up as we speak, and I am ready for the christmas music to begin!

1. Family, all 8781793874 of them. No matter what, my family is there, even if we have our moments of arguing and not getting along, we brush it off and stand by each other. 
2. All the hugs and kisses from EACH cousin, aunt, uncle, and kids and Grandma, when you arrive and when you leave, no matter if you are male or female, its what we do! And I LOVE hugs!!
3. My parents, my mom being the disciplinary! Thats why we turned out so good. My daddy, for being the spoiler! and giving us everything!
4. My brother!!!! He is my rock! The go to man, the one who is there at the drop of a hat, always making me smile and keeping me in check. He is just plain AWESOME!
5. My FRIENDS! Becka, for just being so awesome, and caring. Nathan H. my other brother, who I can call anytime and VENT TOO! 
6. The new friends in my life, who I am so blessed to have you as friends now, Robert, Dan, Cale, Becka, Stephanie B. Stephanie L. Yall are the bestes.

I am thankful for so many things, I dont think there is a page long enough for me to write everything, but these are just a few that are on the top of my list!

Hope everyone is recovering from their feast!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I know, it makes no since, but you laughed when you read the head line right!? RIGHT!!!

Im a year older. AH! It was by far the best birthday EVER! I am so blessed with amazing friends, and family. It started off small, I had a few things from my parents on my birthday, and of course my AMAZING gifts from the kids! They had a little party set out for me when I arrived at work, even a CAKE! Yum. It was a very sweet and simple day. Nothing major, which was nice. 

Friday was Daniel's senior recital. It was the most amazing show anyone has given! He had RAVE reviews!!! He wont know his grade though till the end of the semester. He had me play a hymn with him, which was very sweet. He got me up on that stage tho with ALL those people and had EVERYONE sing happy birthday to me. I could have killed him. I was so red in the face. Its on tape, Im hoping I can get it cut out. haha! He did an awesome job though. Anyone who wants to see if let me know, we will have a concert watching night.

I also had some friends come and visit over the weekend. We went out Saturday night down-town....Im not going to lie, it was AWEFUL! I am so sorry to those of you who are under 21 and would like to go out on the town here in Nashville. Jessie was the only one under 21. The rest of us were old enough to get in anywhere, so we went to places she could go, places we will NEVER GO AGAIN! Im still scrubbing my clothes from that one. We ended up at  friends house watching movies and playing games. WAY BETTER! But its sad that the only fun things to do down town are for 21 and up. They are hoping you will drink, but there are kids out there who DONT DRINK! So give them something to do, besides hang out at the mall parking lot.

Ok, so the week has come to an end again! WOOT! Im headed to Atlanta for an intense weekend of piping and drumming. Then back to Nashville for the Titans game! Im all over the place! I have been sick for the past two weeks, but IM not letting it stop me, that might be why Im still sick. Im hopping I start to sound less like Snuffaluffagus (Sesame Street)

Im HAPPY! Im BLESSED! things are looking good for me. I dont think I have been this happy in a long time! If ever. Its nice, I like it, plan on keeping it this way.

I know, choppy post. Better soon, hopefully!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dear Eliot....

This brought so many tears to my eyes. The flood gates opened and did not close for a long time.

Crunch time yet again.

Today and tomorrow will be filled with LOTS of prayers. And tomorrow Im joining in a fast to end Abortion. Tomorrow is Election day, one of the most important times in our lives. Im scared, and I will say it too. I fear for our country right now!

Maybe a rosary or two.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

And the winner is!!!.....?


My baby brother and myself.
We never smile in photos
We make faces.
Why you might ask?
Because we are two huge

I love him

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

HEY! See!!!!

Took Bananas out today, I have dubbed her my "Little sister I never had" We all get one right? Well I do, actually I have three, soon to be four (PRAY) hopefully. OH, and I also have four other younger brothers as well, yeah, I dubbed them ALL family. Momma G, Dr. G, and my siblings.

So, Bananas and I are sitting at dinner and she says "So, mom keeps asking me if you are going to quit" WHAATT!!!!????

"Momma G" this post is dedicated to the people who mean the MOST to me, who have a SPECIAL spot in my heart. Who have WON me over, and I DO NOT PLAN ON GOING ANYWHERE ANYTIME SOON!!! Because GOD put ALL OF YOU in MY life for a reason, and WITHOUT YOU I dont know WHERE I would be!

Here goes......

Getting to have a girls day out and see
High School Musical 3!

Random pictures that someone doesnt want to take
because he cant STAND his sister to take LOTS
of pictures.

Getting to jump on the trampoline ALL THE TIME!
My favorite part

Diner time, equals messes GALORE! but worth
the giggles in the end.

Making faces for the camera with Bananas!

Wrestling matches where they end up winning

And not because I let them

Ever so famous "Sarah P. he hit me"

The times when they think they can scare me
by showing me their guns....

Lots and LOTS of tickling and laughing

Pillow fights (I lost this one)

Long weekends where its just me
and the youngest ones
(these are my favorite times)

Photo booth with the one who finds
it the most fascinating thing ever!
And the giggles

Salon time with Miss M.
I really like this time, just doesn't look like it here

The moments that you wont forget

But in the end, everyone knows its not easy.


I wake up looking forward to the day, because I KNOW I get to spend time with these people! The hugs! the kisses, the giggles, and crying, the screaming, the outings, the shopping, the cooking, the cleaning, the diaper changing, the screaming, the SMILES, the screaming, the running into your arms and laughing, the screaming.

ITS WORTH IT EVERYDAY!! If I had it my way, I would be there 24/7. But then YOU would get sick of ME.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Dating Game (Strike Two)

Im sitting in my den last night, all alone watching TV and working on images (and happy). Nothing really good on, so Im not really paying attention, although I do love Law and Order SVU, so I did watch that. But as I am doing mindless entertainment and playing around on the internet (Im addicted to facebook, Im not gonna lie) I start to notice that EVERY commercial is about dating, and finding that "perfect someone" right now!

HOLD UP! STOP!,,,,, And then there are the religious ones as well. 

Ok, So then, I am on facebook, yeah, ok, it says Im single, big WOOT! But since it says that I now have all these adds on the side of my page saying "Single? looking for that perfect someone?" 

WHEN DID WE ALL BECOME SO DESPERATE!!!!???!!!!!!!?????????????

What does it all come down too? GOD! enough said. 

I feel like everyone is in a rush, that in this day and age its a race to see who can find someone they can tolerate for awhile and marry them FAST! Then if it doesnt work out, well, then, DIVORCE! BAM! Give it up, take away the ring, tare up the marriage listens and burn the wedding album. We did not just say we would stick together "through good times and BAD, in SICKNESS and in HEALTH, until DEATH do us PART" Forget that whole line, find the next best thing and move on. 4 spouses later, and a ton of kids and MAYBE you will have found that "perfect someone"


I know its tough to not have someone to date/think about marrying. My best friend is married, try that one on for size. Its me, her, and her husband when we are together, and one day soon, little ones pitter pattering around us. Most of the people I grew up with are getting married. I have hit that age where its "custom"? to marry. Its not a game.

I have more to say, but I just wanted to start with this. I guess all those dating commercials and adds have gotten to me. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Who knew!??

So, my father, a very quiet, soft spoken man. He never has much to say, and when it comes to sitting around the dinner table, never really says anything, he just takes it all in, what we have to say. I think some of it is that mom and I are very loud, hyper, talk fast, out spoken people, and we over power the table. Nothing to major. So we are sitting there we have Nathan a really good friend and Daniel and me eating dinner at Cheddars, and we are talking about the Debate and who all has come into town, and mom and I were so very excited about Tom Brokaw being in OUR city, and how we wish we could meet him. And what does my dad say....Well he starts into more or less a story, kinda. Anyways, it goes like this. "I remember....(this is how they start, if he ever tells a story)......I remember, one time when I was working in the White house, Diane always being such a WORK A HOLIC!" we grunted. "Well, one night she took us to dinner, a bunch of us, and she could use her work credit card for our dinners, so she orders like $200 bottles of wine for everyone, these bottles would be like $500 now. Well everyone knew how to eat drink and be merry" 

We are all taking in this story wondering who he is talking about.....Diane!? Who is Diane!? THE DIANE SAWYER!!!!! All of our mouths dropped. My dad worked in the white house when Diane Sawyer and Tom Brokaw were working in the press in the White House. Meaning my dad has hung out with these people! I was so jealous! 

Anyways, I thought it was a neat story, and I would share. I wish he would tell more of his stories. He doesnt ever say much, but when he does is rather neat! And awesome!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

From my cousin

I am only as strong as the coffee I drink, the hairspray I use and the friends I have. 
To the cool women who have touched my life. Here's to you! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yes! I am still alive. I have just been holding my breath for a little bit, and I thought it was time to come up and get some air! Sound good?

I am taking TWO classes and you would think I was taking 5 the way it has been going thus far. Mostly it is that I am in HIGH demand at Belmont to play the cello for every little kid that comes down the pike who needs a cellist! All this week was auditions for a showcase...? I don't even know what it was for. And next it is recital time! SIGH* None of the other cellist will say yes (Even though they are suppose too) So ME! I am picked! Its good fun though, just lots of practice and rehearsals.

Work is going AMAZINGLY! Still loving it! Though I may need to work less, because every time Im there it makes me want kids more and more.....Im ready to settle down. hehehe. Im kidding Mrs. G.

Though I believe I am going through nesting syndrome! Im not even kidding. Its kinda driving me up the wall because Im planning ahead WAY TO FAR and wanting everything to be a certain way. Or maybe its just because everyone else around me has already done so and I want to be next. Lord only knows. I sat around and picked wedding dresses out with Mary E. Today. NOT FOR ME, for her. She is engaged and I am her maid of honor so we were doing some planning. I get to pick my dress out as well, since it will be a small wedding and I am the only attendee. Kinda of exciting. 

Ok, I  was going to make this all long and drawn out, but I am pooped, so I am going to bed!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"There is an instruction Mannual for happiness.....

Its called the BIBLE!"

This is what Ingrid Betancourt said in a blog I read. I loved it and thought I would share!!!

I read this from Mrs. G's blog. Such an amazing story!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A week later....

I have so much I need to write about! I just took two advil pm, so bare with me....I hurt badly.

Since last Sunday lots has happened....ok so not much but it feels like lots! Monday was a nice restful day. Ok, so I take that back as well. My best friend from my childhood text me asking me if I had a weed-eater, and I said yes, why? She needed to borrow. So I took down to her house and her dad was making a sand box with the I got suckered into building this sandbox, then filling it with sand, and then pulling nails ad staples out of old post from the back porch. I look at Kate at one point and said "does this remind you of our childhood, when we would go to play and our parents would put us to work instead?" She laughed and said "it never ends" It was a nice Monday all together!

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were at the Gautsch's Chris was headed back to school so I got to spend time with Miss. H, S, Em, and Mr. J, when he wasnt at school. I found that I enjoyed sitting at the table with the girls working on my stuff on the computer or reading my book, while they did their school work way to much (If you ever want a break from teaching, I'll do it!) It was lots of fun, and then I was there when they needed me! It was different not having the babes there tho, it was WAY to quiet!

Friday was a simple day, I went in later to the Gautsch's so everyone could get some sleep. It was short day it seemed. That afternoon I had my MRI for my back. That took to long! My best friend went with me because she knew what to say when I fumbled around the answer. What would I have done with out her....thats right, not gone! haha. I wish I had her confidence in life. She is so smart, beautiful, and approaches the world with her head high....while I lumber behind head hanging, scared to breathe or look.

Later that night we went to her house and she and I made dinner for her husband and my brother. We made homemade Alfredo sauce and added grilled chicken, mushrooms, and broccoli to it. It was AMAZING! Everything we made. Then we fed the boys and they ate it all up!

My back has been killing me. My right arm and shoulder have been in so much pain, I hope this MRI shows something that will lead the doctors to know what to do next to relieve me of the pain I am in. I have learned to grit my teeth and go with it, but I am holding back tears!

Classes start back tomorrow! I only have two now! Sitting at a desk for hours causes lots of pain to the back too.....mostly arms, but I am glad to be starting the final chapter to my college career. Come May I will be opening a new one and I look forward to it!

I am happy, content, and excited to see what comes with the dawn of a new day!

Advil taking ov.e....rrr........

Sunday, August 17, 2008

As a family!

Today was restful! but the only way we could all go to church together was if we went tonight at 6 at the cathedral! I am very excited!!!! I love the cathedral, its like being at home when I am there. I know it is a VERY special place for my parents as well. They were married there back in 1974, and it is also why my mother became catholic, because of Father Fleming. He was an amazing man, and is missed very much by this family! Such a good friend to my mother as she fell in love with the catholic faith and joined back in the 70's before she even met my dad. I think it might have even been in the 60's when she started learning more about catholicism.

On that note, we are going to start to go to the Cathedral. Every Sunday that is. We are going to make it our home church. Yep, I know 20 years of going to a little church in Gallatin, with standing room only to now a big church and a school. But sometimes we must change it up a bit. Daniel and I are both in Nashville for school and it will be nice to be around the people we see ever day and also attend church with them. There are other reasons as well. I hate change, but I am excited about this one!

This has been 20 years in the making...A mother who has longed to be back at the Cathedral, a father who is willing, and two children who are in Nashville. You are going home Momma! haha. Yep!

It will be so nice. Daniel and I will be able to get involved with a lot of things there. Bible studies, and choir, and playing our instruments as well!

So, here we come!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

St. Stephen

Today is the feast day of St. Stephen. This guy was pretty awesome!



St. Stephen was born around 969 in Hungary. This saint's name had been Vaik. When he became a Christian at the age of ten, he was given the name of Stephen. At the same time, his father, the duke of Hungary, and many nobles also became Christians. However, when Stephen himself became king, the country was still quite pagan. Some people were violent and fierce. So he decided to establish the Church solidly in Hungary. His efforts were blessed by God. The secret of St. Stephen's amazing success in leading his people to the Christian faith was his devotion to Mary. He placed his whole kingdom under her protection and built a magnificent church in her honor. Pope Sylvester II sent a beautiful king's crown to Stephen. This treasure became known as the crown of St. Stephen. During the Second World War, American soldiers captured the crown. However, it was returned to Hungary in 1978. Stephen was a strong, fearless ruler. He enforced just laws. But he was also gentle and kind to the poor. He tried to avoid war as much as he could. He loved to give gifts of money to beggars without letting them know who he was. Once he was giving these gifts in disguise when a crowd of rough beggars knocked him down and struck him. They pulled his hair and beard, and stole his money pouch. They never could have imagined they were bullying their king. And they never found out from him. He took the insult quietly and humbly. He forced his thoughts to turn to Mary and prayed: "See, Queen of heaven, how your people have treated him whom you made king. If they were enemies of the faith, I would know what to do with them. But since they are your Son's subjects, I will take this joyfully. I say thank you for it." In fact, King Stephen made a promise then and there to give more than ever to beggars. Stephen was king of Hungary for forty-two years. He died on August 15, 1038. St. Stephen was proclaimed a saint by Pope St. Gregory VII in 1083. This king was gentle, kind, and loved to give gifts to beggars without letting them know who he was. Today, what must I do to respond the call of love without any reservations?"

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I'll tell you what Chris, and Mrs. G. I DIDNT MEAN TO POST A BLOG! I went to add pictures and my computer went bonkers on me. BUT Be looking for them soon? maybe?

I dont know. Life is BUSY CRAZY! Traveling is OVER! for now at least. I miss home (I know Im home) But I miss home, my family, and my friends. So Im back for a while now. No more trips (unless its family ones, which start soon) again until Spring break?......Again, who knows!?


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sibling love!

The first image is of my brother and me a few days ago, yes its kinda blurry. And then the other image is of us about 3 years ago. Amazing how much we all change in just a few years, eh?

Siblings, we fight, we argue, we bully, we snap at each other, we pick, pick, PICK, and in the end we still love each other......Right!??!

My brother and I are pretty close for a brother sister pair. I am older by two years, and am not cool what so ever. He is Mr. popular, smart, good looking one. So really, we shouldnt get along. But we DO! And I LOVE IT! now, ok, its not all lovely dovey all the time. We still fight, sometimes we have our slam down fighting matches (no hitting no worries) But we forgive and FORGET! We move on.

What has got me on this hype about my awesome brother, is I asked him this weekend (after he let me hang out with him all weekend with his Frat brothers) I felt sooo COOL! I asked him if during the school year, we could have coffee every week. Just whenever we were free, but to make sure we had a SIBLING day. He said YES! he loved the idea, said it would be good for us to spend some time together over coffee and just catch up on our week. I am so excited about it. It will be nice to be able to stay close to someone who means a lot to me.

This week will be busy!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sweet Words

It has been a very stressful, sad, and happy week for many of us. My moods go up and down with all the different things I hear about family and friends, and for other reasons. There has been many tears shed in this house, happy and sad ones. All I can do is keep praying for those who are still very sick. But I am dreading "THAT" phone call.

I thought I would share one of my favorite songs and also a very favorite Bible Story.

Canaan Bond
Sarah, take me by my arm
Tomorrow we are Canaan bound
Where westward sails the golden sun
And Hebron's hills are amber crowned

So bid your troubled heart be still
The grass, they say, is soft and green
The trees are tall and honey-filled
So, Sarah, come and walk with me

Like the stars across the heavens flung
Like water in the desert sprung
Like the grains of sand, our many sons
Oh, Sarah, fair and barren one
Come to Canaan, come

I trembled at the voice of God
A voice of love and thunder deep
With love He means to save us all
And Love has chosen you and me

Long after we are dead and gone
A thousand years our tale be sung
How faith compelled and bore us on
How barren Sarah bore a son
So come to Canaan, come

Where westward sails the golden sun
And Hebron's hills are amber crowned
Oh, Sarah, take me by my arm
Tomorrow we are Canaan bound

Monday, July 14, 2008


.........To Pray

What a DAY! Went and got miss H. and we went out to lunch, which was bad. I had my FAVORITE Italian Club sandwich which had spoiled roast beef on it, so Im battling the icky feeling tummy at the moment. Anywhoo.... Then we went and looked at paint and I picked out some different colors to ponder over for my room. We had a fun day! Then we woke...dare I say your nick name?...Nah, I will be nice. We woke Mr. C.G. up and he showed us how to make rosary's. That was a load of fun! Miss H. laughed the whole time. I wish I was able to laugh at everything like she does. She is such a happy bubbly person, she brings lots of Joy to the day.....and LOTS of questions! Which is cool too.

So then I tossed the baby around and left. It was a pretty busy day if you ask me. Called the lil bro and we went and worked out. BEST work out in months! I pushed myself hard this time. Partly because Daniel is in such good shape and I am NOT! Gaining weight and losing muscle is no fun! But I am starting to put it back on....hopefully, and with the help of the Bro! Who knew chicken legs would turn into Mr. Buff himself!? I didnt. Its weird though, to look at your little brother and so macho macho man! YIKES!

Tomorrow is another fun filled day. Most of it spent in the sun for SWIM TEAM!!! YAY!!!! And then hanging out of My bestes friend ever.....haha I sound so high school. Then the gym, AGAIN!

Just a few things PLEASE. Would all of you who read this (which is only two people...if any) keep my Uncle Waldo, my moms eldest brother, and closest in your prayers, he is very sick and in the hospital. From what I know and understand, which is not much, he is going fast, and will not be around much longer. I know this is hard on my mom because she has taken care of him for so long now, and I dont really know how to help her in this time. Also another person is a old friend of mine from highschool, her younger sister was driving home from Church yesterday and pulled onto Saundersville RD and was hit on the passengers side, which was then pushed into the drives side and then wrapped around a pole. She is in Vanderbilts ICU and has a lot of internal bleeding. All they can do right now is watch her and hope that she heals some on her own so they can do surgery. She is bleeding so much they can not open her up. Also her family as well. I dont know what its like, but I do know it has to be very hard to have a child hurt so badly and you can not do anything to help them.

Geez, life is just weird right now I feel like. To much is going on.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Yep! its time to rant! And on a SUNDAY TOO!? Yes, on a Sunday, and about BEING CATHOLIC.

I went out of town this weekend to the highland games in North Carolina, they were awesome as always, and Daniel did ok. I am most likely going to buck up and compete this fall because my competition needs to be PUT IN HIS PLACE! (no im not being mean, just playing fair;-) So yeah, back to the competing scene. Cant let that guy get a big head.

So, Saturday was all fun and dandy, saw all my good friends, and got sun burnt, had a gross dinner in a "whole in the wall" place and breathed clean mountain air. Then, slept.

Sunday morning....Now I am NOT a morning person when it comes to weekends. And when I am out of town I DO NOT sleep. If its not my bed I most likely will not sleep and if I do its a lot of tossing and turning and waking up built upright in the bed wondering where I am.....OK to the POINT. So Church, dad found church, and we went. We almost did not find the place it was so well HIDDEN. Not a huge catholic faith in the Mountains of NC I guess.

Here comes the church...As we pull in I say "It looks like a wood house......ugh! Bad right? For me to look at a place of worship, none the less of my OWN FAITH and go UGH!? Well...It did NOT look like a church. Yes, I know I am weird, I like my tall steeple, and old church feel. So we walk in, seems strange, yeah its not OUR CHURCH, so of course its strange, I go straight to the restroom and the rest of the family goes to find seats. So as I walk towards the church and search for the holy water I take it all in. First of all the holy water is in a huge swimming pool with a water fall thing, not really a water fall. You practically have to get on the floor just to reach your hand in, and when you do you pretty much wash your hand in the water and soak your whole front....So I am BLESSED with LOTS of holy water....Am I safe? So I walk in and find the family and sit down, and look around......


WHEN DID CHURCH'S START LOOKING LIKE HEY AND TOBACCO BARNS!?!?!?!?!?!?! AND WHEN DID KNEELING BECOME OBSOLETE!?!?!?!?!? IT is the HOST! The body and BLOOD of Jesus Christ! Its the least we can do to KNEEL during such a holy moment while they are being BLESSED! but noooo, lets stand/SIT during this part. OH and dont forget im sitting in a chair, A CHAIR! a NICE comfy chair with soft cushions and LOTS of room....HELLO where are the PEWS!? Jesus did not die on a cushioned back cross, with soft nails. And the Barn feel.....WHAT!? Ok, here is where I was a ltttttllleeee mad about....The host! ITS THE BLESSED HOST! And they are pretty much tossing it around, not handling it with CARE! (Im talking about when they take it out and put it back in the tabernacle) I almost got up and walked over and said pardon me, but lets try and NOT DROP IT. Oh, and the tabernacle, when did we start putting them in the closet!? UGH!!!!! Can you see I am a little upset. I feel like I did not go to church today.

Maybe I was raised in to conservative of a church. Some how I HIGHLY DOUBT it. All the church's here in the Nashville area (minus a few and I wont name the church's) are very conservative in the saying of mass, and the handling of the host and the wine. And when you enter our churches you feel like you are AT CHURCH! That the holy spirit is TRULY there! Not so much today and at other places I have traveled to. Why is that? Why are they becoming to modern and...can I say it? liberal?????

Im saying the rosary tonight, in hopes that I will feel better about this Sunday, I shouldn't be so grumpy, but it just bums me, that churches are not like the ones back home.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

He means the WORLD to me!

Me and my daddy! My protector and provider! I LOVE MY DADDY!

Its hard to watch your parents get older though. He needs knee replacement and I keep BEGGING him to get it done so we can go on a wilderness camping trip before my knees give out! haha. His body just seemed to get older all of a sudden, yet his mind and soul are still 25.

Those of you who are still young and silly ;-) cherish EVERY moment you have with your parents! Because when you get to my age you realize how much they truly mean to you!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Dating Game....

Who ever went on the first date?

This is a sore subject for me, "dating". I have NO luck with it, and I hate it. But do I date? yes, and do I fail? Yes. Do I get torn from the inside out and feel like I am never going to find the right one that God has put on this earth for me, so on and so on!?!?!?! cam I get a YES PLEASE!? YES!

I have read the books, ya know, the one that all my friends said, HEY read this. "I kissed dating GOODBYE" And did I follow, HA! Im was a "grown up", 19 and a freshmen in college, lets date! Again, someone is laughing at me right now.

I am a WORRY WORT! I worry non stop, about life, death, and the pursuit of happiness. I see myself as the girl who will die happy, but die with a million cats (in a CLEAN house) and have cookies, and raisins for the sweet neighborhood kids who will visit me. OR, I will still be nannying until the day I fall over and break a hip, to the sweet children's children when they all get older. That or I will die. But thats another subject for another time that also somewhat scares me.

My friends, they are all getting older (as am I) and getting married, and some are now starting their families!....HOLD THAT! Were we not just playing doll house?....Yes, having babies. My best friend, who knows me inside and out is already talking baby. Is she married, yes, and HAPPY. To a man who is perfect, the man God intended for her to be with until death do them part. So baby talk, I love it, but I would love to be talking it too.....Ok ok, so not really. I am no where CLOSE to that YET. But its still a wonderful thought.....right?

I believe I got off track....Dating? Why? how? and what for? Because we are all in the hunt for a mate? So here is my thought....We, those of us who are to marry, should be put on this earth with a homing device, and when it comes time for us to marry, which ever age God had planned out, they should start to work....A on switch should be switched, by God, and we are able to "home in" to our "mate"!??!?!?! Good I idea I know! I plan on seeing what the Boss says about that soon. Hahaha. ooh, I can only dream....right?


Yeah, yeah, I know (why are you not praying?) Because I have this stupid head that says, "Oh your a good girl, you can relax on the praying" HA! You cant pray to much!! So yes, I need to Pray, pray, pray PRAY! And pray every day, for my family and friends, and for God to lead me in the path that he has chosen for me. I need to OPEN MY EYES TO HIM, let Him LEAD! That song comes to mind, "Jesus take the wheel" Well, I better do it, let Him have it. Only then will my life be fulfilled, and truly Blessed by Him. Until then, well that whole dating thing will keep happening and not working.

Why have I jabbed on and on? This is a reminder to me, to not be so foolish. I am 23, why am I still so foolish!??!?! A reminder to Pray, and not stop even after he Blesses me with something, which is often, I truly have lived a very Blessed life, and I think he is starting to hold back those Blessings because I have truly taken them for granted.

So, here is to Praying EVERYDAY! attending mass, even signing up for Adoration!? (I think I should start this) What do you think? And saying the rosary as much as possible. I must start living a better and healthy Catholic life! I preach that I am CATHOLIC! and I will ALWAYS BE CATHOLIC! Well, I need to grow up and start acting like one. I have been given these wonderful Saints, and prayers to live by and do each day and I forget.... Short term memory.

There is someone out there that I strive to be like. I look at her every day and think "This is what I have dreamed for, this life, and to be able to have these blessings, and faith like you have" So now, I need to start doing the wonderful things you do, that God has blessed you with so many blessings, because you follow him, and let him truly "Take the wheel"

And that whole "dating" thing...Yeah, Im done. When the time is right, and I am truly ready, the man that God has planned will fall in my lap, but until then, I will work on getting my act together, and living my life in a way that I have yet to live it.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Almost home

Three States in ONE day! Aaahhh...It was a long day, but we stopped a lot. When we hit Kansas we saw church's at every exit so we thought we would stop at one. It turned out to be a Catholic church, very pretty and started in 1900's Well six exits letter and all within a few miles of each other were HUGE Catholic church's. I will post more about that in a different post.

On that note, I am tired. The trip is coming to an end. Mom and I will spend the day shopping in this little town in Kansas City that we love!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


We left San Francisco just in time....Friday morning the very strange people started to arrive. Went and saw Momma's brothers friend, then stayed last night in Elko UT, and now we are about an our outside of Denver, heading towards Denver for maybe a short stop then onward to Kansas City!

This pictures above are just a few randoms ones from the trip. I hopefully will have more!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hello Bobby and Timmy!

Well, my sweet VERY catholic and VERY conservative mother AND me made it into San Francisco on the bestess weekend EVER! Its Gay Pride Weekend!!!!!

We are wide eyed and unable to believe what we are seeing, but we are grateful to be leaving early tomorrow and heading back EAST! With a few stops on the way of course! All we can do is pray for them!

We have seen a lot, and done a LOT and are VERY tired and worn out from this huge city and ready to hit the road again ("on the road again") Next city to come, SALT LAKE. And boy this should be fun.

I will post pictures when I am in a place that has good internet again!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lets get down and DIRTY!

Ok, time to catch up to today!

Monday we woke up got packed and headed out YET again! up highway one. Why? Because even though its only five hours to San Francisco, we like to take the LONG way....the SLOW way......So, highway one it is, and boy it was fun! (and long) The coast here is beautiful....But NOT the east coast! There are lots of farms and more farms....oh look ANOTHER FARM! but its neat to see where our salads come from.

THE DAY CAME TO AN END! WHAT!? Yep, five hours, right? HA! We were still over two hundred miles from San Francisco, and not a beach in site. Ok, so there were beachs, and tons of it. But it was FREEZING, and we had to back track because of the fires that were on highway one....Crazy I know, but its amazing how God works sometimes. Changing our plans.....Gosh! Next time I will phone ahead to the big man upstairs....haha.

It really wasnt that bad. We stayed in a littler town called Sansimeon. Very sweet and low key. We got some good sleep, still cold, but we are having fun....right?

Day Four: Lets try for the beach outside of San Francisco..............Huh?
Bad IDEA! It just got colder, and the mountains got taller, and the drop off was AMAZING! Driving through 101 to get back to highway one was neat, again. More SALADS! We also stopped randomly at a mission. One of the oldest, actually number 16th in line of about 20 something missions here in California. It was so cool. Sad though because the building just suffered a HUGE earth quake last week, and the OLD chapel is falling apart. They say it may take upto five years to get it where people can go in it again....yikes! ONWARD! More highway one, and one more mission....(two) This one would be a doosy! And a stop into the ARMY BASE! Well, it was a rough one. We were stopped at the gate and asked for ID's from both of us, prrof of car insurance, and a bunch of other papers. Well my wonderful mother had all these papers in random spots in the car and the guys nearly flipped when she jumped out to get these papers. HA! What fun though. So we get onto the base, and into a training center, asked where the misson was and got a "uuuhhhh....huh??" So we turned around and left.

Beach front hotel, and sun tanning....HERE WE COME!
HAHAH. Yeah right. Did you know its COLD HERE! That is there is a cold front going through cali right now, and there aint no such thing as spending two days on the beach BURNING myself so I look like a Mexican when I return home. So what do we do? Go all the way to the CITY! And we did. We drove and drove. got back on highway One and drove over the cliffs. And into the City.....and I mean C I T Y! This place is HUGE! and what in the world do we stay?

San Francisco:
What a place, and in the dark, its like going into another world. A world you know NOTHING about and have NO idea HOW in the WORLD do navigate. And look at me! A little small town girl, who is lost in a city 10 times the size of mine, and I am LOVING IT! We went back out of SF and back into San Jose to find a cheap hotel. What does a room here cost? over $400 a night! Yeah, budget biggie please!.

Day two....and then some

LA! We made....Now where do we STAY!??!???!!?? This had to be the hardest part, searching for a place to stay in LA! We got off onto Hollywood Blvd. And found where the show would be...The show that I have been dying to see for about two years now (this would be the highlight of my trip so far) So from Hollywood, we got on Sunset, there we found a very sweet and old hotel and got a room for two nights. It did not cost as much as we had thought it would, which was nice.

Side note: My dad has spoiled me on this trip. He let us have a good sum of cash for hotels, food, shows, SHOPPING. He said this is my super trip! To enjoy it, and have a blast, and boy have we!!!

Ok, so one we go. Hollywood...Well.....It SUCKS! (pardon my french) but again with the Eh, not so "awesome" as TV makes it out to be. So we did some sight seeing, and walked around a bit, then went back to crash. Four hour driving trip, plus hiking around a new city just about did me in. And plus, when it was 8 there it was 10 at home, and I was ready for bed!

SUNDAY!!!! This would be my favorite day...WHY!? Because this would be the day I see that "show" I was DYING TO SEE!!! So it start with church, and church was nice....Until they said "and next Saturday we will have a potluck with the Gay and Lesbian's of the church" WHAT!?....moving on. Then from there we went and had breakfast, and went and stood in line to get tickets to see WICKED THE MUSICAL!!! I WAS GOING TO GET TO SEE WICKED!!! AAAHHHH!!!! Ok, ok, sorry, moment of crazy Sarah there. So we went shopping in one of the malls there (it was ok, not to great) then went and got cleaned up and had dinner, and went to the evening show of Wicked. IT WAS AMAZING!!!! A MUST SEE!! Eeek. I want to see it AGAIN!

We spent two days in LA, and they were nice, but here we go...ON THE ROAD AGIN!.....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Trip of a LIFE TIME!

Here is how it began.
Day 1:

Well, it started EARLY! I got up at 5AM! (What in the world was I thinking!???) Yep, I did get up that early, wanted to spend time with my brobro before I headed out. He had to leave for work at 5:30, so it would be a short and sweet goodbye. I had this feeling in the back of my head say "LEAVE EARLY" And I am glad I did. I had planned to get out the door by 7:30, instead I left around 6:45. The airport was PACKED!!!!! So, of course I check in, give them my bags, say a prayer it gets where I am going, and head to the GATE! As I get in the line, this sweet old man is behind me, very JEWISH looking, I mean VERY. So there we are standing in this never ending line to get past the security guards and it gets to our turn to pretty much unpack our carry ons and strip out of our clothing! (Its almost come to that I swear) There were NO buckets for us, so I (and I am a very "I get what I want" kinda persin) WEAVE through the crowd and grab two buckets, one for me and one for him, you would have thought I was an angel sent by God, he thanked me and thanked me. He was so kind in the face and frail, I wanted to take him with me....haha! Just kidding.

Oh the WAIT! It was long, and it seemed they would NEVER let us on....Side note: Flying South West is like gambling on a plane. You get up 24 hours before your flight and HOPE you clicked just in time to get an "early number" Because if you dont you are stuck on the back of the bus, next to the guy who cant fit and really needs two seats, and the other guy who is sleeping on your shoulder, drooling and snoring. Well I was LUCKY! I got that early ticket, and was on with group A. So here I am, ALONE, scared out of my mind being alone, so I am walking on, again ALONE, and I see the perfect seat! BAM! There it is, behind the couple with the three boys...Im thinking, YES I can play and not be bored for 4.5 hours.....Now comes the tricky part, those two men, who will set next to me, yeah know, the one who snores and the other who drool.....HA! this is fun. So there I am sitting there ALONE, by the window thinking A. these seats are CLOSE, and B. if I have to pee, and I KNOW I will, I am STUCK!. Well on comes the plane a nice looking young man, with a violin, and down the aisle you trots.....Ok, so there was no trotting, just pushing and shoving of other passengers. Well, guess who your lucky seat partner is!? Yep, that guy, with the violin. So....HERE WE GO.....UP UP AND AWAY!!!!

Jason, his name was Jason, and he was the nicest guy! We had a LOT in common with music, and it turns out he went to the same fiddle camp my brother had gone to YEARS ago, and we know a lot of the same people. He lives in Boston, and the group he is touring with just did a show in Nashville and now they were headed to California. So, now we are friends, Random from the plane, but friends. Strange how you can meet up with someone who you likely knew WAY back when we were younger.

About that third seat, our other passenger in crime. THE MAN FROM THE LINE!! Ya know, the one I got the box for to send our lives through xray, well he was headed to California as well. And guess what! he was a professor from Orange County, in Cal. Teaches history, so very nice, but slept the whole way, and me being a History major didnt get to ask all my questions....darn. But he was glad to see me!

The trip seem to last a long time but fly by as well. When we landed I text my mother and she called me with EXCITEMENT That I was FINALLY there! She had been waiting on me since my dad left that same morning back to Nashville. So.....Vegas....Well....ITS NASTY! AWFUL! GROSS!!!!! UUUUGGGGHHH!!!!! Mom asked me when we got in the car, "How about we drive up the strip?" I said, NO THANK YOU! This is a nasty place, and so full of sin! I have no need in seeing it, I want to get out.....

So, there we went, on our way to LOS ANGELES! (I know, its not that great of a place either, Hollywood at least) But we got in the car, and I was pumped CALIFORNIA, HERE I COME! EAT YOUR HEART OUT!!!

More to come.....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

FAMILY, how I love mine!

Danny Boy (my younger brother and I) are home ALONE! No parents, gone, left, and wont be back till next weekend :-( So very sad!

Well, Saturday came and went, and now Sunday came and went, and now my brother sit here in the den eating our mothers home made spaghetti sauce, teary eyed and weepy. WE MISS OUR PARENTS!!! and they have been gone only 36 hours. They called us and my brother, who is no cry baby, never gets choked up over anything, GOT CHOKED UP! and me, well I cried. Hearing their voice just did us in.

The weekend is very special in this house, because its when we all get to really SEE each other and spend time, and go out on the boat and have family dinners. During the week, well we all work (except mom, she keeps the house running, and a moms job is the HARDEST job out there) But yeah, so we work, and sometimes its just hard for us to all be at the dinner table during the week, but come Saturday we are THERE! Hungry and ready for a good meal.

So, Momma, and Daddy, we miss you both! Its funny how it takes a trip for you to stop and go...."WOW! I really do need my family.

Hope all the Dad's out there had a Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Yes, Sally Oehmen, it is TIME TO PRAY MORE!!!!!!

So, yeah! Thats all I have to say, is I NEED TO PRAY MORE! NOW!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well, its JUNE NOW! and the summer is FLYING BY! The G-fam made it home SAFE with the babe, who is BEAUTIFUL and full of laughter and joy! They are truly blessed with all of their kids! They are all pretty amazing!

I had far to much fun being "mom" while everyone was away. It was pretty sad, they had me wrapped around their finger, it was "can we have waffles?" just about every morning when they learned I would happily make them if they asked. What can I say, Im a sucker for waffles, I like them a little to much. Even one Saturday morning miss Amber and miss Andrea came over and we made pancakes, with whip cream, and chocolate chips, and EVERYTHING! They got a KICK out of that.

So, they have been back now for some time, everyone seems to be settling in, but then again, I am not there 24/7 like I had been.

Tomorrow, we will....ok, so I WILL be sitting while miss S and HOPEFULLY Miss E will be getting their hair done before they are off to California! My parents also leave this Saturday for Daddy's business trip in Vegas. I know they are not looking forward to spending time there because our family has NO interest in gambling. We would have a summer home in Charleston if it wasn't for my great great great grandfather who gambled away the family plantation and fortune. HAHA!

Friday, May 16, 2008

A Day OUT!

Well, its FRIDAY! And we have almost made it to a full week of being with my three WONDERFUL kids! Im telling you, I am going to MISS these kids like crazy when this all comes to an end. I am not looking forward to it at all. It will be a sad day.

I finally got everything fixed with online banking, after or, how long....over a YEAR! ugh! Im not good at getting things done!. but I am well on my way of keeping up with it better now. Oh and did yu know that they are no longer telling you when you have a - balance in your account. WHAT!

Ok, well, mom is on her way here and we are going on our outting!

Much love!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Late Nigh TV, my one true relationship

Well, here goes! I am going to start blogging! Something I want to do on a every day basis, but we shall see how that turns out. I believe on here will post little things here and there, about life, the Blessing I have, the wonderful family, parents, and friends I have, and the many things to come! I am learning and growing everyday. It is amazing how we think "Oh WOW, I am OLD now" But we are FAR from it. We are still children, walking in the way of the Lord, everyday, for the rest of our lives. I hope that with this, I will grow more in my FAITH, the knowledge of being CATHOLIC, and teaching others the wonderful things about our faith! Lots of people are ignorant of such a wonderful faith, and I hope that I and others can open their eyes to it. Though, it also is the people who say little that move people in HUGE ways, I want that to be me:-)

So, here we go!