Sunday, August 24, 2008

A week later....

I have so much I need to write about! I just took two advil pm, so bare with me....I hurt badly.

Since last Sunday lots has happened....ok so not much but it feels like lots! Monday was a nice restful day. Ok, so I take that back as well. My best friend from my childhood text me asking me if I had a weed-eater, and I said yes, why? She needed to borrow. So I took down to her house and her dad was making a sand box with the I got suckered into building this sandbox, then filling it with sand, and then pulling nails ad staples out of old post from the back porch. I look at Kate at one point and said "does this remind you of our childhood, when we would go to play and our parents would put us to work instead?" She laughed and said "it never ends" It was a nice Monday all together!

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were at the Gautsch's Chris was headed back to school so I got to spend time with Miss. H, S, Em, and Mr. J, when he wasnt at school. I found that I enjoyed sitting at the table with the girls working on my stuff on the computer or reading my book, while they did their school work way to much (If you ever want a break from teaching, I'll do it!) It was lots of fun, and then I was there when they needed me! It was different not having the babes there tho, it was WAY to quiet!

Friday was a simple day, I went in later to the Gautsch's so everyone could get some sleep. It was short day it seemed. That afternoon I had my MRI for my back. That took to long! My best friend went with me because she knew what to say when I fumbled around the answer. What would I have done with out her....thats right, not gone! haha. I wish I had her confidence in life. She is so smart, beautiful, and approaches the world with her head high....while I lumber behind head hanging, scared to breathe or look.

Later that night we went to her house and she and I made dinner for her husband and my brother. We made homemade Alfredo sauce and added grilled chicken, mushrooms, and broccoli to it. It was AMAZING! Everything we made. Then we fed the boys and they ate it all up!

My back has been killing me. My right arm and shoulder have been in so much pain, I hope this MRI shows something that will lead the doctors to know what to do next to relieve me of the pain I am in. I have learned to grit my teeth and go with it, but I am holding back tears!

Classes start back tomorrow! I only have two now! Sitting at a desk for hours causes lots of pain to the back too.....mostly arms, but I am glad to be starting the final chapter to my college career. Come May I will be opening a new one and I look forward to it!

I am happy, content, and excited to see what comes with the dawn of a new day!

Advil taking ov.e....rrr........

Sunday, August 17, 2008

As a family!

Today was restful! but the only way we could all go to church together was if we went tonight at 6 at the cathedral! I am very excited!!!! I love the cathedral, its like being at home when I am there. I know it is a VERY special place for my parents as well. They were married there back in 1974, and it is also why my mother became catholic, because of Father Fleming. He was an amazing man, and is missed very much by this family! Such a good friend to my mother as she fell in love with the catholic faith and joined back in the 70's before she even met my dad. I think it might have even been in the 60's when she started learning more about catholicism.

On that note, we are going to start to go to the Cathedral. Every Sunday that is. We are going to make it our home church. Yep, I know 20 years of going to a little church in Gallatin, with standing room only to now a big church and a school. But sometimes we must change it up a bit. Daniel and I are both in Nashville for school and it will be nice to be around the people we see ever day and also attend church with them. There are other reasons as well. I hate change, but I am excited about this one!

This has been 20 years in the making...A mother who has longed to be back at the Cathedral, a father who is willing, and two children who are in Nashville. You are going home Momma! haha. Yep!

It will be so nice. Daniel and I will be able to get involved with a lot of things there. Bible studies, and choir, and playing our instruments as well!

So, here we come!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

St. Stephen

Today is the feast day of St. Stephen. This guy was pretty awesome!



St. Stephen was born around 969 in Hungary. This saint's name had been Vaik. When he became a Christian at the age of ten, he was given the name of Stephen. At the same time, his father, the duke of Hungary, and many nobles also became Christians. However, when Stephen himself became king, the country was still quite pagan. Some people were violent and fierce. So he decided to establish the Church solidly in Hungary. His efforts were blessed by God. The secret of St. Stephen's amazing success in leading his people to the Christian faith was his devotion to Mary. He placed his whole kingdom under her protection and built a magnificent church in her honor. Pope Sylvester II sent a beautiful king's crown to Stephen. This treasure became known as the crown of St. Stephen. During the Second World War, American soldiers captured the crown. However, it was returned to Hungary in 1978. Stephen was a strong, fearless ruler. He enforced just laws. But he was also gentle and kind to the poor. He tried to avoid war as much as he could. He loved to give gifts of money to beggars without letting them know who he was. Once he was giving these gifts in disguise when a crowd of rough beggars knocked him down and struck him. They pulled his hair and beard, and stole his money pouch. They never could have imagined they were bullying their king. And they never found out from him. He took the insult quietly and humbly. He forced his thoughts to turn to Mary and prayed: "See, Queen of heaven, how your people have treated him whom you made king. If they were enemies of the faith, I would know what to do with them. But since they are your Son's subjects, I will take this joyfully. I say thank you for it." In fact, King Stephen made a promise then and there to give more than ever to beggars. Stephen was king of Hungary for forty-two years. He died on August 15, 1038. St. Stephen was proclaimed a saint by Pope St. Gregory VII in 1083. This king was gentle, kind, and loved to give gifts to beggars without letting them know who he was. Today, what must I do to respond the call of love without any reservations?"

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I'll tell you what Chris, and Mrs. G. I DIDNT MEAN TO POST A BLOG! I went to add pictures and my computer went bonkers on me. BUT Be looking for them soon? maybe?

I dont know. Life is BUSY CRAZY! Traveling is OVER! for now at least. I miss home (I know Im home) But I miss home, my family, and my friends. So Im back for a while now. No more trips (unless its family ones, which start soon) again until Spring break?......Again, who knows!?