Monday, August 24, 2009

Confusion on the home front.....

Yeah, it tells it all, confusion! So much has happened in the past few weeks I dont what to think. The novena was amazing, praying is such a, well, again, AMAZING! So I will keep on praying and maybe even start another novena!

Its been a whirlwind of things happening. Kate has returned and her wedding is in two weeks. Showers, have been planned and accomplished, Bachelorette parties are being finalized and is next weekend, musicians hired and music picked, now its just the little details here and there to make this wedding the best one yet! I feel like all I have done is sit here at this computer and look up ideas and plans for the B party. Limo? no limo? Hotel downtown? No hotel? dinner? I'll cook? Maybe we should eat out? How about SATCO? How many are coming? none at all? (8 all together) Back and forth and back and forth! Wooohoooo. Its stressful! But in the end it will be a lovely time!

Work has changed up as well. Im not on a new time schedule. So far so good, minus today when I BLEW IT! Alarm clock!? Who needs one!? Me. The phone is great, but when you are tired and unwilling to wake up when its beeping in your ear, then you know its time you got a time bomb alarm clock to put in your room so you WILL wake up. I am to be at work at 7am Monday through Friday. So far it really has been great, and I love it! Just today was my fist failure at arriving on time. At least the first week was a breeze!

So yeah, Im being very vague as to whats going on, but when I figure it out myself I will share with everyone.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are still alive and doing okay! I miss you and hope you are well. Please do let us know what's going on!

Thanks for the post! :) Keep me updated on all the cool wedding stuff and pictures too! :) I'm sure it will be great and beautiful!